Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Lightening burdens - Denton Record Chronicle

Little Guys Movers is looking for stories about people in need for its new campaign, ?What Moves You.?

The moving company, which started in Denton in 1992, has made it a goal over the years to give back to the communities it?s a part of, said co-owner Chris Hawley.

The company also has locations in Arkansas, Colorado, Oklahoma and Tennessee. Since expanding into more markets, company officials have ?realized that there?s way more people out there that could use a helping hand,? Hawley said.

That?s where the website comes in.

People in or near communities with Little Guys locations can submit stories about those who need help.

The person or organization selected by voters each month receives $1,000 or $1,000 worth of services.

Since needs don?t just go away after the voting for that month has ended, the remaining stories are cycled back through to be voted on at a later time, said Marcus Watson, co-owner of the company.

Voters chose the Denton Animal Shelter, which is in need of a larger facility, as the first to get help as part of the campaign.

The moving company also helped an elderly couple in San Marcos move closer to their daughter.

?Some of these stories that come across, they really tug on your heart strings,? Watson said.

Now featured

McMath Middle School seventh-grader Jordan King is featured in one of the three stories now up on the site.

He was recently diagnosed with Burkitt?s lymphoma and will be undergoing chemotherapy for the next eight to nine months.

Jordan went to the doctor at the beginning of May for what the doctors thought was a sinus infection. After conducting additional tests, doctors discovered Jordan had a tumor.

Doctors told his mother, Kellye King, the tumor responds well to chemotherapy and it should shrink within a month but Jordan has to continue chemotherapy to make sure the cancer is completely gone.

Depending on how healthy Jordan stays, King said he has chemotherapy for five days and then is off for 14 to 15 days before he starts again.

?His spirits are great,? King said. ?He?s an amazing kid.?

Jordan, 13, will be in the homebound program offered through Denton school district until February 2012.

?We feel so blessed by all the support,? King said, adding that Jordan hopes to give back one day by setting up a foundation to help other cancer patients.

The other stories featured this month are Angels Foster Family Network of Oklahoma City and the Elizabeth Richardson Center in Springdale, Ark.

The Angels Foster Family Network is a private foster agency that places infants and toddlers who have been traumatized by living situations, or neglected, abused or abandoned by their parents.

The Elizabeth Richardson Center helps people with disabilities from infancy through adulthood.�

RACHEL MEHLHAFF can be reached at 940-566-6889. Her e-mail address is

On the web

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