Saturday, August 20, 2011

How to Move to Hawaii from the Mainland - Associated Content

Moving to Hawaii from the mainland of the US is a big step over the Pacific Ocean. There are some tips listed here for anyone interested in moving to one of the islands in Hawaii. The inhabitants of Hawaii still keep their cultural way of living, so there are some things you need to keep in mind before you move there so you can blend in, and avoid making some serious social mistakes.

Here is a list of some helpful tips to help you to harmonize with your new surroundings.

Honolulu is the state Capital of Hawaii, and is located on the island of Oahu. Most people are moving to Oahu before later deciding to venture to the outer islands, moving to Maui is the second most popular destination.

Locals commonly call foreigners (anyone not a native of Hawaii) haole's, it sounds like a funny word and is pronounced "how-lee." The pitch in which this word is spoken is relevant to discern, if used teasingly among friends that's ok, but if harshly its meant as degrading an insult by some who despise foreigners. Mostly Caucasian people are called "haole, but persons of Asian descent blend in so well and are almost never referred to as such.

Be prepared to budget more for food cost as prices in Hawaii are much more than the mainland US, almost double for some food stuffs.

Food is not the only thing expensive in this paradisiacal place, high rent and Hawaii has one of the highest median home prices in the country.

Moving can be a logistical nightmare to Hawaii if you have a large family or lots of belongings. It's easy to find a moving company in Honolulu that can help you with cheaper shipping costs on containers bound for Hawaii or any of the outer islands.


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1 comment:

  1. It's lovely to visit but it's not that great to move there in Hawaii for social and environmental reasons. Hawaii is overcrowded and many native people as well as locals who were born
