Thursday, September 29, 2011

Why Doesn?t Coke CEO Move Company To China? - Big Think


Maybe Mr. Kent needs to look at the reality of corporate taxes today in America:

Corporate Taxes as a Percentage of Federal Revenue

1955 . . . 27.3%

2010 . . . 8.9%

Corporate Taxes as a Percentage of GDP

1955 . . . 4.3%

2010 . . . 1.3%

Individual Income/Payrolls as a Percentage of Federal Revenue

1955 . . . 58.0%

2010 . . . 81.5%

Corporate Tax Rates, Then And Now

Every CEO in the country needs to remove the word ?uncertainty? from their vocabulary. It is a non-specific word that might mean anything, in the way that the word ?discomfort? could describe the kind of pain you feel when you have a cramp in your leg or the kind of pain you feel when you have a broken neck. In CEO speak, ?uncertainty? is a word that is usually delivered in an ominous tone when they are being interviewed, because we all know that CEO?s are being paid millions of dollars a year to assemble successful business strategies as simply and easily as kids snap together Legos.

What I do know with certainty is that the Coca Cola Co PAC has made its own contribution to congressional gridlock. According to Open Secrets, some of the Coca Cola PAC?s larger contributions during the 2010 election cycle were to the three in Congress most responsible for our current inability to get anything done. Mitch McConnell received $5,000, John Boehner received $7500, and Eric Cantor received $8,000. Only John Lewis, who represents the congressional district in which the Coca Cola Company is located, received more.


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